Whether you are looking for a standard setup or a tailor-made solution, BENNINGHOVEN asphalt mixing plants offer an extensive vast range of configuration possibilities. With BENNINGHOVEN technologies, every customer can discover the perfect solution for their site, according to the specific requirements and conditions.
Q-Fab has proudly served as the authorized dealer in Qatar since 2014, specializing in the supply and erection of the ideal plant designed to meet the requirements of any market. Whether it’s a mobile or stationary plant with capacities ranging from 100 – 400 t/h, all BENNINGHOVEN plants share one thing in common: they are globally renowned for delivery the optimum mix quality standards.
Q-Fab is the official representative in Qatar
ECO Mixing Plants
The key advantage of ECO asphalt mixing plants lies their modular design. High-tech components can be retrofitted quickly and easily with the Plug and Work principle. This plant is characterized by a high level of mobility offering optimum flexibility. It is well-suited for stationary operations while also accommodating rapid site changes without impacting product quality. This quality makes it a vital asset for large temporary construction sites.
RPP Recycling Plants
Boasting of a production capacity of up to 400 t/h and having a wide array of equipment options, the future proof RPP asphalt mixing plants stand as the flagship of the BENNINGHOVEN product range. The standout feature is the remarkable potential for incorporating recycling materials, reaching up to 100%. The BENNINGHOVEN RPP makes an effective contribution to energy efficiency, cost-efficiency and proactive environmental protection, making it a sustainable choice.
A Retrofit can be a more practical solution for an existing plant than replacing it with a new one. By swapping out outdated components and integrating the very latest advances in technology, existing plants can be brought in line with the latest industry standards. For the owner, the advantage lies in the modernization of the plant and the associated increase in productivity with significantly lower costs compared to purchasing a similar new plant. Whether a BENNINGHOVEN or a third-party plant, with a BENNINGHOVEN Retrofit you can remain or get back to state-of-the-art. BENNINGHOVEN offers retrofits for Bitumen tanks, Dryer drum, Burner, Control system, Feed system, loading silos, recycling.